Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Teresa Helbig Fall Winter 2012-2013

Hace mucho mucho tiempo que no paso por aquí, pero creo que la ocasión lo merece. Después de mucho desearlo y a pesar de que no sabíamos si iba a ser posible por varios motivos, parece que al final Anne-Charlotte y yo asistiremos a algunos desfiles de la próxima edición de la Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week de Madrid, que se celebrará a finales de esta semana y principios de la que viene. 

El caso es que navegando por las webs de los diseñadores me he reencontrado con la colección para este otoño invierno de Teresa Helbig, y como es natural, me he vuelto a enamorar perdidamente... ¡Será que soy una romántica! Y esas prendas de cuero que le añaden, como apunta la propia diseñadora, un toque canalla... Es puro equilibrio y, para mí, puro éxito. De hecho, esta colección le valió a Teresa Helbig su segundo y merecido premio L'Oréal al mejor diseñador. Con un poco de suerte, estaremos allí para ver si consigue el tercero en esta edición (por favor, señor cartero, dése prisita...). ¡Mucha suerte!

I haven't been here for a while... But I think I have enough reasons to do it now. After wanting it so bad and even if we weren't sure if it would be possible or not, it seems that in the end, Anne-Charlotte and I will attend some of the fashion shows at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Madrid, in the end of this week/beginning of next one. 

So I was surfing the net, checking the webs of the designers taking part and I re-found the wonderful collection by Teresa Helbig for this season. Inevitably, I re-fell completely in love... Must be 'cause I'm a romantic! And a lover of leather... The collection is pure balance and, for me, pure success. In fact, this collection made Teresa Helbig win her second and well deserved L'Oréal prize to the best designer. Hopefully, we'll be there to see her "fight" to get the prize a third time! (Please, Mr. Postman, hurry up!). Good luck!

All images from Teresa Helbig's facebook page, here

¿Y vosotros? ¿Vais a seguir la Fashion Week o mejor esperáis a que llegue en forma de revista? 
¡Que tengáis un gran día!

What about you? Do you usually follow the Fashion Weeks in the moment or you prefer to wait till magazines tell you all about it?
Have a great day!

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Saturday, August 4, 2012


that I was thinking in calling this post again 'How to rock... an old (style) flowery skirt' but not to abuse to much the concept I decided not to do it. But keep that in mind haha. 
Actually, this skirt have been in my wardrobe during ages, without any opportunity. But suddenly, I started to have this kind of need of one of this colorful plain sweaters or jumpers. 
It was during sales when I visualized the bright pink colour, calling me since the end of the corridor of mountains made out of clothes (in ZARA) Then I realized how beautiful this skirt should be with the jumper. I love the cut out in the back. As i am wearing it without anything else, it becomes pretty sexy to be just a jersey ( jumper, jersey, sweater... seriously, I don't know how to call it, but you understand me... ^^)

that I really think that this pictures are one of my favourites since I started with the blog. I am very sad though: i dont't now how to get rid of this noise!!! I now it was getting dark and probably this is one of the main reasons. Please, I hate to be so amateur when I see that the result of my photos could be better, I would kindly accept any suggestion

that once upon a time... pink was one of my favourites colours. It became something obsessive! and there were times when I was wearing pink shirt+pink trousers+ pink shoes... (a potential petit suisse)
 I guess it is something that a blogger should't confess, but it was my style, is part of myself, and maybe, without this, I wouldn't be who I am now. Actually, I think this pink colour gives to my dark skin and dark hair, more light and it is pretty cool!

See you after my holiday!

Anne - Charlotte

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Freja for ZARA

I love her style, I love her hair, and I love how fresh she is. Freja Beha is the ambassador for the new Autumn Winter collection of ZARA.

 What do you think!?

Anne - Charlotte

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